Deploying and Hosting
Getting your shiny new Gatsby site deployed and accessible is probably the first thing you will want to do now that it’s built! Also, give yourself a pat on the back real quick for creating something so great!
When you build your Gatsby application, the output is static content: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc. This content is incredibly easy and affordable to host with any provider. We have several guides below for hosting with particular providers, but this list is by no means exhaustive. Whether you’re deploying to AWS, Netlify, or something else entirely switching to static content makes deploying a trivial concern.
Many of the integrations below, like Netlify and Vercel, are supported on Gatsby Cloud, the best way to deploy Gatsby sites. Reports give you visibility into the performance and SEO of your site, and Gatsby Cloud has a special-built architecture that builds your site 20 times faster, often under 10 seconds.
Try it on Gatsby Cloud!In this section:
- Preparing a Site for Deployment
- Deploying to Gatsby Cloud
- Deploying to Azure
- Deploying to Netlify
- Deploying to AWS Amplify
- Deploying to a DigitalOcean Droplet
- Deploying to S3 & CloudFront
- Deploying to Aerobatic
- Deploying to Heroku
- Deploying to Vercel
- Deploying to Cloudflare Workers
- Deploying to GitLab Pages
- Deploying to Render
- Deploying to Tiiny Host
- Deploying to Surge
- Deploying to IIS
- Deploying to Firebase Hosting
- Deploying to KintoHub
- Deploying to Clodui
- Deploying to 21YunBox
- Adding a Path Prefix
- How Gatsby Works with GitHub Pages
- Multi-Core Builds
- Asset Prefix
The Gatsby blog also has posts on both deployment and hosting.