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Spreading Gatsby in Companies

Broadly speaking, in terms of overall Gatsby usage, there are two types of organizations which have high receptivity to using Gatsby across the organization.

First, software companies — more broadly, organizations who primarily build, and generally sell, software.

Second, Internet-adjacent organizations — non-software organizations whose activities have been significantly affected by the Internet. This includes businesses in areas like travel, retail, consumer finance, media, and so on.

Software companies

Software companies — whether small startups or large, Fortune 500 companies — tend to have lots of software developers.

Moreover, in software companies, technology decisions are often made bottoms-up by developers rather than top-down by executives.

In these environments, if one developer is excited about Gatsby, they can build company projects in Gatsby. If several developers become excited by Gatsby, they may get a team or a group of teams using Gatsby.

If you work in this organization, and want your organization to use Gatsby more, you can go a long way simply by getting other developers excited by Gatsby.

After that, you’ll find winning over engineering leaders, marketers and executives. is significantly easier.

Internet-adjacent organizations

Internet-adjacent organizations whose activities have been significantly affected by the web, including areas like travel, retail, consumer finance, media, and so on.

Digital presence is increasingly important for these businesses, but they often don’t often see themselves as software companies.

Because developers are often not the decision-makers around technologies in these businesses, bottoms-up adoption can be challenging.

If you’re in an organization like this, it’s important to:

  • strongly emphasize Gatsby’s benefits in language familiar to marketers and executives.

  • position Gatsby as part of “digital transformation” initiatives your company undertakes. Faced with new competitors taking market share (e.g. Amazon in retail, Expedia and Airbnb in travel, PayPal in consumer finance), these businesses typically emphasize a priority as a company to be more Internet-native. This can provide an opening to pitch Gatsby as a way to do this.

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