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Gatsby Link API

For internal navigation, Gatsby includes a built-in <Link> component as well as a navigate function which is used for programmatic navigation.

Gatsby’s <Link> component enables linking to internal pages as well as a powerful performance feature called preloading. Preloading is used to prefetch resources so that the resources are fetched by the time the user navigates with this component. We use an IntersectionObserver to fetch a low-priority request when the Link is in the viewport and then use an onMouseOver event to trigger a high-priority request when it is likely that a user will navigate to the requested resource.

The component is a wrapper around @reach/router’s Link component that adds useful enhancements specific to Gatsby. All props are passed through to @reach/router’s Link component.

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In any situation where you want to link between pages on the same site, use the Link component instead of an a tag.

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It’s often a good idea to show which page is currently being viewed by visually changing the link matching the current page.

Link provides two options for adding styles to the active link:

  • activeStyle — a style object that will only be applied when the current item is active
  • activeClassName — a class name that will only be added to the Link when the current item is active

For example, to turn the active link red, either of the following approaches is valid:

Gatsby’s <Link> component comes with a getProps prop, which can be useful for advanced styling. It passes you an object with the following properties:

  • isCurrent — true if the location.pathname is exactly the same as the <Link> component’s to prop
  • isPartiallyCurrent — true if the location.pathname starts with the <Link> component’s to prop
  • href — the value of the to prop
  • location — the page’s location object

You can read more about it on @reach/router’s documentation.

By default the activeStyle and activeClassName props will only be set on a <Link> component if the current URL matches its to prop exactly. Sometimes, you may want to style a <Link> as active even if it partially matches the current URL. For example:

  • You may want /blog/hello-world to match <Link to="/blog">
  • Or /gatsby-link/#passing-state-through-link-and-navigate to match <Link to="/gatsby-link">

In instances like these, just add the partiallyActive prop to your <Link> component and the style will also be applied even if the to prop only is a partial match:

Note: Available from Gatsby V2.1.31, if you are experiencing issues please check your version and/or update.

Pass state as props to the linked page

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Sometimes you’ll want to pass data from the source page to the linked page. You can do this by passing a state prop to the Link component or on a call to the navigate function. The linked page will have a location prop containing a nested state object structure containing the passed data.

Replace history to change “back” button behavior

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There are a few cases where it might make sense to modify the “back” button’s behavior. For example, if you build a page where you choose something, then see an “are you sure?” page to make sure it’s what you really wanted, and finally see a confirmation page, it may be desirable to skip the “are you sure?” page if the “back” button is clicked.

In those cases, use the replace prop to replace the current URL in history with the target of the Link.

How to use the navigate helper function

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Sometimes you need to navigate to pages programmatically, such as during form submissions. In these cases, Link won’t work.

Note: navigate was previously named navigateTo. navigateTo is deprecated in Gatsby v2 and will be removed in the next major release.

Instead, Gatsby exports a navigate helper function that accepts to and options arguments.

toyesThe page to navigate to (e.g. /blog/).
options.statenoAn object. Values passed here will be available in location.state in the target page’s props.
options.replacenoA boolean value. If true, replaces the current URL in history.

By default, navigate operates the same way as a clicked Link component.

Add state to programmatic navigation

To include state information, add an options object and include a state prop with the desired state.

Then from the receiving page you can access the location state as demonstrated in Pass state as props to the linked page.

Replace history during programmatic navigation

If the navigation should replace history instead of pushing a new entry into the navigation history, add the replace prop with a value of true to the options argument of navigate.

Add the path prefix to paths using withPrefix

It is common to host sites in a sub-directory of a site. Gatsby lets you set the path prefix for your site. After doing so, Gatsby’s <Link> component will automatically handle constructing the correct URL in development and production.

For pathnames you construct manually, there’s a helper function, withPrefix that prepends your path prefix in production (but doesn’t during development where paths don’t need to be prefixed).

This component is intended only for links to pages handled by Gatsby. For links to pages on other domains or pages on the same domain not handled by the current Gatsby site, use the normal <a> element.

Sometimes you won’t know ahead of time whether a link will be internal or not, such as when the data is coming from a CMS. In these cases you may find it useful to make a component which inspects the link and renders either with Gatsby’s <Link> or with a regular <a> tag accordingly.

Since deciding whether a link is internal or not depends on the site in question, you may need to customize the heuristic to your environment, but the following may be a good starting point:

The <Link /> component follows the behavior of @reach/router by ignoring trailing slashes and treating each page as if it were a directory when resolving relative links. For example if you are on either /blog/my-great-page or /blog/my-great-page/ (note the trailing slash), a link to ../second-page will take you to /blog/second-page.

File Downloads

You can similarly check for file downloads:

Recommendations for programmatic, in-app navigation

Neither <Link> nor navigate can be used for in-route navigation with a hash or query parameter. If you need this behavior, you should either use an anchor tag or import the @reach/router package—which Gatsby already depends upon—to make use of its navigate function, like so:

Handling stale client-side pages

Gatsby’s <Link> component will only fetch each page’s resources once. Updates to pages on the site are not reflected in the browser as they are effectively “locked in time”. This can have the undesirable impact of different users having different views of the content.

In order to prevent this staleness, Gatsby requests an additional resource on each new page load: app-data.json. This contains a hash generated when the site is built; if anything in the src directory changes, the hash will change. During page loads, if Gatsby sees a different hash in the app-data.json than the hash it initially retrieved when the site first loaded, the browser will navigate using window.location. The browser fetches the new page and starts over again, so any cached resources are lost.

However, if the page has previously loaded, it will not re-request app-data.json. In that case, the hash comparison will not occur and the previously loaded content will be used.

Note: Any state will be lost during the window.location transition. This can have an impact if there is a reliance on state management, e.g. tracking state in wrapPageElement or via a library like Redux.

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