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Node Tracking

Track Nodes

You may see calls to trackInlineObjectsInRootNode() and findRootNodeAncestor() in some parts of the code. These are both defined in schema/node-model.js. Node tracking is the tracking of relationships between a node’s object values (not children), and the node’s ID. E.g. Take, the following node:

Its sub objects are foo (value = { myfile: "blog/", b: 2}), and those in the baz array ({ x: 8 }). Node tracking will track those back to the top level node’s ID (id2 in this case). The trackInlineObjectsinRootNode() function takes care of this and records those relationships in the rootNodeMap WeakMap. E.g. after calling trackInlineObjectsInRootNode(nodeA), rootNodeMap would contain the following records:

Find Root Nodes

To access this information, schema/node-model.js provides the findRootNodeAncestor() function. It takes an object, and looks up its parent’s nodeID in rootNodeMap. It then finds the actual node in redux. It then gets that node’s parent ID, and gets the parent node from redux. And continues in this way until the root node is found.

In the above example, nodeA has parent id1. So findRootNodeAncestor({ blog: "blog/", b: 2 }) would return the node for id1 (the parent).


Where is node-tracking used? First up, nodes are tracked in 2 places. Firstly, in createNode, every time a node is created, we link all its sub objects to the new NodeID. Nodes are also tracked whenever they are resolved in run-sift. This is necessary because custom plugin fields might return new objects that weren’t created when the node was initially made.

Now, where do we use this information? In 2 places.

  1. In the File type resolver. It is used to lookup the node’s root, which should be of type File. We can then use that root node’s base directory attribute to create the full path of the resolved field’s value, and therefore find the actual File node that the string value is describing. See File GqlType inference for more info.
  2. To recursively look up node descriptions in type-conflict-reporter.ts
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