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Recipes: Deploying Your Site

Showtime. Once you are happy with your site, you are ready to go live with it!

Preparing for deployment



  1. Stop your development server if it is running (Ctrl + C on your command line in most cases)

  2. For the standard site path at the root directory (/), run gatsby build using the Gatsby CLI on the command line. The built files will now be in the public folder.

  1. To include a site path other than / (such as /site-name/), set a path prefix by adding the following to your gatsby-config.js and replacing yourpathprefix with your desired path prefix:

There are a few reasons to do this — for instance, hosting a blog built with Gatsby on a domain with another site not built on Gatsby. The main site would direct to, and the Gatsby site with a path prefix could live at

  1. With a path prefix set in gatsby-config.js, run gatsby build with the --prefix-paths flag to automatically add the prefix to the beginning of all Gatsby site URLs and <Link> tags.
  1. Make sure that your site looks the same when running gatsby build as with gatsby develop. By running gatsby serve when you build your site, you can test out (and debug if necessary) the finished product before deploying it live.

Additional resources

Deploying to Netlify

Use netlify-cli to deploy your Gatsby application without leaving the command-line interface.



  1. Build your gatsby application using gatsby build

  2. Login into Netlify using netlify login

  3. Run the command netlify init. Select the “Create & configure a new site” option.

  4. Choose a custom website name if you want or press enter to receive a random one.

  5. Choose your Team.

  6. Change the deploy path to public/

  7. Make sure that everything looks fine before deploying to production using netlify deploy -d . --prod

Additional resources

Deploying to Vercel

Use Vercel CLI to deploy your Gatsby application without leaving the command-line interface.



  1. Login into Vercel CLI using vercel login

  2. Change to the directory of your Gatsby.js application in the Terminal if you aren’t already there

  3. Run vercel to deploy it

Additional resources

Deploying to Cloudflare Workers

Use wrangler to deploy your Gatsby application globally without leaving the command-line interface.



  1. Build your Gatsby application using gatsby build
  2. Run wrangler config where you’ll be prompted for your Cloudflare API token
  3. Run wrangler init --site
  4. Configure wrangler.toml. First add account ID field and then either
    1. A free domain by setting workers_dev = true
    2. A custom domain on Cloudflare by setting workers_dev = false, zone_id = "abdc.. and route =*
  5. In wrangler.toml set bucket = "./public"
  6. Run wrangler publish and your site will be deployed in seconds!

Additional resources

Setting up Google Analytics

Use gatsby-plugin-google-analytics to track site activity and provide insights into how users access your website.


  • A Gatsby site with a gatsby-config.js file and an index.js page
  • The Gatsby CLI installed
  • A domain from your provider of choice, e.g. AWS

Verify the domain in

  1. Navigate to the Google search console to verify the domain by clicking on Search Property > Add Property. Type in your domain and press Continue.
  2. Add a TXT record to your DNS configuration. Follow the directions for your provider, or refer to the Google documentation.

Linking the domain to Google Analytics admin

  1. Log into Google Analytics.
  2. Click Admin.
  3. Select Create Property in the Property column.
  4. Choose Web.
  5. Fill in the details and click Create.

Getting your Google Analytics Tracking ID

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  2. Click Admin.
  3. Select an account from the menu in the ACCOUNT column.
  4. Select a property from the menu in the PROPERTY column.
  5. Under Property, click Tracking Info > Tracking Code. Your Tracking ID is displayed at the top of the page.

Using the ID in the plugin

  1. Run npm install gatsby-plugin-google-analytics in your terminal.
  2. Add the following to your gatsby-config.js file.
  1. Build and deploy your site to start seeing traffic in your Google Analytics dashboard.

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