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Features Overview

There are many ways to build a website. If you’re considering Gatsby, you may also be looking at some alternatives:

  • JAMstack frameworks such as Jekyll, Next.js, and Nuxt.js let you put text or markdown in a specific directory such aspages/ in a version-controlled codebase. They then build a specific kind of site, usually a blog, as HTML files from the content you’ve added. These files can be cached and served from a CDN.

    Coming from the JAMstack world?

    Compare Gatsby vs JAMstack
  • Traditional content management systems (CMSs) like WordPress and Drupal give you an online text editor to create content. You customize the look and feel by choosing themes and plugins or by writing custom PHP or JavaScript code. Content is saved in a database, which is retrieved and sent to users when they visit the website. Depending on your requirements you can self-host your website or use an official hosting provider.

    Coming from the CMS world?

    Compare Gatsby vs CMS

The chart below details Gatsby’s capabilities in comparison with a representative from each category. Click on any row to see a more detailed explanation on that feature and our rating for each system.



Feature Availability
Excellent (fully available)
Good (partially available, e.g. plugins)
Fair (needs customization or limited)
Poor (not possible)


Feature Availability
Excellent (fully available)
Good (partially available, e.g. plugins)
Fair (needs customization or limited)
Poor (not possible)

Feature Comparison

CategoryGatsbyJAMstack frameworksTraditional CMS

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